Are you a committed freelance writer, or even just an everyday person, who has always had a desire to write a book?
It might surprise you to know that according to a recent Business Insider report:
"In the United States alone, over 200 MILLION people dream of writing a book." That's a whole lot of folks, and that's only counting those in the U.S.
Maybe that's because one research study found that: "More than half of Americans think their life is worthy of a book deal".
Whether you agree with that presumption or not, it's still pretty sobering to find out that according to that same insider report; of those 200 million people who dream of writing a book:
"..the number of writers who go on to actually finish their manuscript is estimated to be just 3%. Of those, only 20% will go on to become published."
This step-by-step guidebook can help!
I'm a longtime freelance writer and self published author, with more than a dozen ebooks, and digital products, including my novellas, short story compilations, and two complete novels.
That's not bragging, especially since I've been a struggling online writer for more than two decades. I should have something to show for all that time.
But in spite of my ups and downs and relative success with getting paid to write online, during the majority of my writing years, I actually remained in the 97% for most of that time. But then I discovered National Novel Writing Month (NANO) and got super motivated!
Before I participated in NANO, I was just like you and the other 97% of people still just dreaming of writing a book.
In fact, even when I first learned about the annual book writing challenge, I didn't participate right away. It was AT LEAST three years later, that I finally made up my mind to take part in 2017.
At the time, I was still writing under my primary pen name: Charm Baker.
Up until then I simply kept dreaming about it, and promising myself that one day I would actually START the process. So I gave it a lot of thought and eventually created my own effective 6-step process for starting and finishing a manuscript.
I also participated in 2019 (which I talk about in the guidebook), but instead of a novel, I ended up with a 30,000+ word novella (but I was still pleased).
That was 2019 - just before COVID hell broke out. The pandemic did a good job of helping to extinguish my initial zeal about my newly released fantasy book and the debut of my second pen name: Beka R. March.
FYI - I was reborn on the writing platform as "Justiss Goode" in 2021, May 1st - my actual birthday. So in case you're curious about my use of pen names, you can see what I have to say about it, on my Quora "space".
Thanks to the situation with COVID for so many months, my little "Tell Us the Mermaid Story" novella went mostly without promotion, though it is still on sale in the Amazon market place (like all my publications).
That leads me to this very IMPORTANT POINT:
It's' packed with useful advice that I know for a fact, will come in handy, from the moment you start reading.
Here's what you'll learn:
Take it from a longtime online writer who has always wanted to be a published author. It feels AWESOME to be among the 3 percent who actually finish writing their book!
But wait...
With the additional tips and details I provide at the end of the guide, you don't have to just FINISH your book. You'll be prepped to self publish your book.
That means you'll end up included in another known statistic. The one that says, of the the 3% who finish writing, "...only 20% will go on to become published."
So act now, and you can be on your way to successfully writing and publishing a book, much sooner than you probably planned. And when you do, feel free to reach out on social media @GoodeWriter, or contact me via email, if you need a motivating cheerleader along the way!
I'm serious about wanting you to succeed and finally become a published author. I know all too well how elated you'll feel, if no one but you ever holds your book in their hands or purchases a copy!
But chances are, you'll sell enough copies to really be proud of your efforts. That's exactly what happened to me so many years ago, when I published my first ebooks.
Now - more than a dozen books in (under multiple pen names), I STILL earn money, and sometimes from books I forgot I even published! SO, if you're truly serious about finally getting this ball rolling, JUST DO IT! Get this great resource today, and YES - it really does come with a
I have every bit of confidence in this information, and in you :-)
Are you still hesitant? Well, 👉I invite you to visit MY Medium profile right now. See for yourself what kind of strategic writing advice I REGULARLY provide, and how you can benefit from my YEARS writing experience.
Don't spend another day, just "dreaming" about writing a book, when you can be on your way to joining the 3% today! Allow my detailed 29-page step-by-step tutorial to get you started now. This valuable .PDF can be yours in a matter of minutes!